Why Travel?

We all should ask why we travel. It’s a very personal thing. If you are lucky and desire it, sometimes you find the right travel partner with the same reason for travel. This might be a really good discussion to have relationship-wise. Nothing is as terrible as figuring out you have different desires a few days into a weeks-long travel adventure.

The list of reasons can be endless, and there are a lot of nuanced ways to say basically the same things. But it can come down to four basic categories.

Personal Growth and Exploration
This is one of the two reasons I have for traveling. Travel is a path to broadening horizons. Experiencing different cultures, perspectives, and lifestyles is one of the ways that I see how we are all different, yet really the same. At the same time, it’s also a journey of self-discovery. When I travel, I find myself through new experiences and challenges. All the time, I’m learning about history, geography, and other subjects. And somewhere along the way, I like to have adventures.

Social and Cultural Interaction
This is the other reason that I travel. Meeting new people, even if you may never see them again in your lifetime, is a great way to get a feel for the complexity of humanity. Making friends from diverse backgrounds open your eyes to how things might be done differently. Travel is a language learning opportunity. I try. But usually, after I butcher someone else’s language, they speak to me in English. Food and drink are another great way to experience cultural interaction. Exploring different cuisines and tastes gives you a great impression of the locality where you are.

Relaxation and Escape
This is a big one for a lot of people. Stress relief: Getting away from daily routines and responsibilities. Rest and rejuvenation: Recharging physical and mental energy. Indulgence: Enjoying luxury and pampering. Spending quality time: Bonding with loved ones or creating new memories. This is certainly why people go to resorts and cruises. Let someone else take care of everything for you.

Practical Reasons
Life happens. And if you have a job that has you travel, or family far away, it’s a great reason to take a trip. While traveling for business might be work, you should try to make the most of it while traveling on someone else’s dime.

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