What is Marginally-Epicish

Marginally-Epicish is about real life adventure. Most of us don’t have the desire or the money to climb Everest or the other epic adventures out there.

Sometimes the best adventures are the ones that you can have right out your door, in your area. At times, it might even be the same trail you’ve done a hundred times. ME is all about getting out there and doing something.

There are a few things about staying local which make it a great way to have adventures.

First, it cost less. You can bring your lunch and snacks. (We are huge fans of snacks.) You use less fuel to get to the trailhead. Plus the time you save in travel means more time in the outdoors.

Second, you’re in your comfort zone. Not meaning that you need to stay there. But staying local and being familiar with the location gives you a sense of place. Once you’re rooted in a place, most of us will find ways of pushing our comfort zone anyways. Staying local gives you the options to play the standard, or try something a little new.

Third, it’s social. Knowing the local area makes you a great resource for other people coming to your backyard. Now we all don’t have to be extroverted stoke-filled tour guides. I’m an introvert myself. But just being able to give a few directions or hints to visitors, makes you a really awesome person. I know over the years I’ve been grateful for the advice I’ve gotten.