Taking a week off is just what you need
We live in a culture that expects you to be on point and in the game all the time. It’s not just something with older generations and that god-awful protestant work ethic. Younger generations might even be worse about it with hustle culture. It’s not healthy.
I’m Gen X. We were derided by our parents and grandparents about how lazy we were, and still are. We figured out a long time ago the system is stacked against you. So why keep putting fuel on the dumpster fire. Now, some of us went and had kids, careers, and did all the other grown up things. We did basically turn into our parents. But let’s face it, we are still a bunch of slackers.
For your own sanity, I suggest take a week of doing nothing. A week of nothing that isn’t a vacation. Just refuse. Sit on the couch, don’t work out, eat bad food and maybe a few other bad habits. Now that might not be for everyone. If you’re a recovering addict, don’t go back to the bad old habits. Find a new bad habit for a week. (This might also be really terrible advice.)
I don’t usually plan my slacker weeks, they just happen. They would be a lot more effective if I planned them, but might not be as effective.