Finding mission and purpose through doing.

Do stuff. It might be the best way to find a mission and purpose. Planning and dreaming help, but really you just have to do. Doing builds on itself. The more you get into something the more you fell great about it.

But doing can be hard some days. But doing anything is better than doing nothing. Sure, it’s great at time to waste a day watching outside videos of folks traveling, biking, and other cool stuff. Great to waste a day if you are sick or the weather is so bad. (Remember that there is no bad weather just bad clothing.) But nothing beats going out and doing.

As I got older, it was harder to get into things. But I have a mantra. “Give it 15 minutes.” I noticed after I got over 40, it would take me a while to get into something. The truth is that you don’t have the power and fast energy you did when you were younger. Think of it more as a slow burn. There is a reason that so many endurance athletes are older. Besides, you should just slow down and enjoy the ride.

Do stuff that makes you happy. Will it make you rich or a social media star? Most likely not, but do it anyways. The fastest way to start hating something is to make it your living. I know; been there. I worked around bikes as a living for way too long. Near the end, I really didn’t like bikes. I work a job that has nothing to do with bikes now. It pays much better and I don’t bring it home. Now I love bikes again.

Do what you love is bullshit. Some a-hole is trying to sell you a secret to life they don’t believe in. Smile and wave, boys. If you saw that person while the camera is off, they might likely be complaining about what they do. Work to make enough money to enjoy what you love.

If you love selling people a system to be rich like you, sorry hard pass. Also calling bullshit.

Ask what you want. If it is having money, cars, and houses for the sake of having them; you are on the wrong blog. Plenty of hustlers can help you elsewhere. If you want to experience life and the world, then you are in an easier starting place and the results will be better. Plus, you don’t have to be an a-hole to do it. Well, you could. But really?

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